Heating and Air Services in Concord, CA
and the Surrounding Area
We Accept Calls 24/7
Heating and Air Services in Concord, CA
and the Surrounding Area
We Accept Calls 24/7
Concord residents are fortunate to live in a comparatively mild year-round climate. Even in the winter months, average highs stay in the 60s, and lows rarely drop below 40°. In fact, Concord remains so mild in the winter that many homeowners run their heaters at low capacity.
Be that as it may, it’s still necessary to have your heater unit tuned up in the winter months, even if you don’t plan on using it straight from December to March. That’s because there’s more to regular upkeep of HVAC units than you might expect.
Among these lesser-known details are a number of heating tune-up benefits for mild winters in Concord, CA, that you might not be aware of, such as:
Even if you don’t run your heater all too often, it’s still an important system that needs annual maintenance. Many components make up even the most basic of heating systems, including air filters, blowers, burners, and heat pumps.
Taking care of your heater during Concord’s truly mild months can stop problems well before they happen. With regular preventive maintenance, you lessen the risk of dealing with major breakdowns that can cost thousands of dollars to fix.
Heating system problems can pop up at any time. Gaps may form in places that can turn into serious issues like carbon monoxide leaks. It may also have loose electrical connections, clogs in its drains and vents, insufficient ventilation, or other problems that could make your home less safe. In an annual tune-up, heating technicians can make adjustments or repairs to these specific areas to protect your family from unsafe conditions.
One of the key heating tune-up benefits for mild winters in Concord, CA, is that a well-maintained heater unit uses less energy to operate. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy claims that overall equipment maintenance can save homeowners 30% on their utility bills while reducing harmful emissions.
The average HVAC unit, when properly maintained, can last upwards of 20 years, possibly even a bit more. The longer you can go with your heater without encountering major issues, the longer it will last and the more money you’ll save.
Mercury Heating & Air is at Contra Costa County’s service all year long. Our technicians can keep your HVAC system in shape in all seasons. To schedule a visit,
contact us online today!
Mercury Heating & Air is proud to serve Concord, CA and the surrounding area!
Mercury Heating & Air is proud to serve Concord, CA and the surrounding area!
140 Mason Circle, Suite C
Concord, CA 94520