Heating and Air Services in Concord, CA
and the Surrounding Area
We Accept Calls 24/7
Heating and Air Services in Concord, CA
and the Surrounding Area
We Accept Calls 24/7
As the warmer weather approaches, you’ll want to spend some time preparing your HVAC system for its spring and summer use, and though your HVAC technician will do most of the work during your seasonal tune-up, a little spring cleaning is not only nice, but necessary; by removing debris, dust, and other contaminants, you’ll help the system operate more efficiently, and you’ll breathe cleaner air as a result.
When you’re interested in improving indoor air quality, HVAC spring cleaning in Concord, CA, 2024 should start outside your home. The system’s compressor relies on efficient airflow for optimal operation, and throughout the year, tall grass, foliage, leaves, and litter can block the flow of air; additionally, the compressor might draw in allergens and pollutants along with the air.
As such, you’ll want to keep the grass trimmed short and remove weeds from around the compressor. Clean up litter, leaves, and tree branches, and if you have bicycles, lawn equipment, and other items stored next to the compressor, it can help to move them to another part of your yard as you get your system set up.
The condition of your HVAC system’s air filter has a significant effect on your indoor air quality; a dirty filter becomes clogged and unable to filter contaminants from the air, meaning those contaminants will get recirculated through your treated air. Additionally, as the system tries to push the air through your dirty air filter, it might pick up more contaminants and distribute those pollutants as well.
Change your air filter before your first AC use, and remember to check and replace the filter every 30 days throughout the spring and summer.
Clearing away dust plays an important role in improving indoor air quality. HVAC spring cleaning in Concord, CA, 2024, therefore, should include dusting and cleaning areas that process treated air, and that includes wiping down the exterior surface of the indoor HVAC unit. Additionally, clean dust and debris from air vents and registers, clean your ceiling fan blades, and wash the hood vent over your stove.
Mercury Heating & Air can provide a thorough inspection and tune-up for your HVAC system. We’ll reverse some of the wear and tear damage the system has suffered, and we’ll look for problems that could inhibit cooling power. Request your seasonal tune-up by
contacting us today.
Mercury Heating & Air is proud to serve Concord, CA and the surrounding area!
Mercury Heating & Air is proud to serve Concord, CA and the surrounding area!
140 Mason Circle, Suite C
Concord, CA 94520